365 Days of Art: Day 204 – Drawing a Toy Banana

The challenge: Create some form of visual art, no matter how small, each day for a full year.

Today is one of those days that it is hard to believe I’m a parent. My cousin came to visit today and tomorrow with his four boys.

Yes, there are four boys in my house, ages 4 to 10.

Being with my cousin reminds me of all the trips we took together as kids. I can’t believe we are both parents. We are the boring ones sitting outside the pool, enjoying talking to each other instead of swimming. We are the ones having to make decisions about whether we put the kids to bed now or give them 5 more minutes in the pool. We have the reading glasses and torn, sore muscles. We are the ones who groan when we stand up and sit down. Who on earth gave us this responsibility?

Anyway, that being said, the kids got five more minutes in the pool, and I’m sitting at my kitchen counter, trying to get a price of art completed and blogged about before midnight.

I don’t have time to drag out the watercolors, so instead I’m drawing a banana. A rubber, toy banana because I’m allergic to the real ones. (It’s actually a really cool toy banana. If feels very lifelike.) Because I like you wonderful people, I am going to refrain from adding in the stuck in dog hair and saliva from the four year old.

Here it is:

Here is the original:

Happy Friday everyone!

About M. B. Weston

M. B. Weston is an award-winning fantasy, pulp, young adult, steampunk, and paranormal author. Her attention to procedure and detail gives her works an authentic gritty, military feel that takes an adventure tale to the level of a true page-turner. Weston’s writing attracts both fantasy and non-fantasy readers, and her audience ranges from upper-elementary students to adults. A gifted orator, Weston has been invited as a guest speaker to numerous writing and science fiction/fantasy panels at conventions across the US, including DragonCon, BabelCon, NecronomiCon, and Alabama Phoenix Festival. She has served on panels with such authors as Sherrilyn Kenyon, J. F. Lewis, Todd McCaffrey, and Jonathan Maberry. Weston has spoken to thousands of students and adults about the craft of writing and has been invited as the keynote speaker at youth camps and at several schools throughout the US.
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